Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let's Not Talk About Video Games

I am a misunderstood individual.  In the universal rankings of everything and everyone that's popular for being highly misunderstood, I'd fall somewhere between "crop circles" and "female emotions".

Why exactly am I calling myself misunderstood?  Well it begins with a little confession.  I enjoy video games.  Not as much as your average "hardcore gamer" but a little more than those who are nagging me to help them plant digital plants in Farmville.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Dumpster Never Lets Me Have Any Fun

Sometime in the early part of the 20th century, an exciting new fad was sweeping the nation.  Garbage dumpsters, inexplicably, became THE place to hang out.  College kids would gather around these smelly trash receptacle, climb upon it without regard for their safety or zoot suits, and dance the Charleston until the wee hours of the morning.  Some of the more crazy thrill-seekers would even hang out inside the dumpster to discuss politics, study for exams or make sweet, sweet love to spoiled refuge.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Rocking and Bowling Don't Mix

I know I'm about to pour steak sauce on someone's sacred cow, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to officially declare the practice of  "Rock-N-Bowl" an abomination.   I go bowling to have a few drinks with the guys while hurling large, heavy balls at a target 62 feet away.  I am not looking to get all glittered-up while dropping ecstasy in some glow-in-the-dark environment.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Shark Week Attack!

A few days ago, bathers were asked to remove themselves from the ocean water in Long Beach, New York after what looked like sharks were seen cavorting in the shallow waters.  Although it turned out to be harmless cownose rays out for some nookie, for a while beach-goers were convinced Discovery had taken guerrilla marketing for their annual "Shark Week" event to a new low.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Stop Believin' Already!

In 1981, Journey released their album Escape and, from it, unleashed a power ballad that was a 25-year ticking time bomb planted firmly in the world's ear drum. "Don't Stop Believin'" is great song, no doubt, but it's high-time we put a strict moratorium on it. Its overuse at parties, television and sporting events has made it irritating and clichéd.   Nice going, popular culture.  You ruined it forever!